
Four Dyckerhoff cement plants remained accident-free in 2023
30 September 2024

Four Dyckerhoff cement plants remained accident-free in 2023

Strong overall result for Dyckerhoff in the VDZ occupational safety competition

On Monday, 23 September, the German Cement Works Association (Verein Deutscher Zementwerke e.V., VDZ) presented the Occupational Safety Award for the 2023 reporting year in Düsseldorf. The award honored plants in Germany that had no accidents - neither own nor indirect - in the entire year. Encouragingly, four Dyckerhoff sites were honored this time: The cement plants with clinker production Deuna and Geseke as well as the grinding plants Neuss and Neuwied.

The two plant managers Dr Thomas Günther (right) and Dr Martin Oerter (left) received the awards on behalf of Deuna and Geseke. Lutz Steinhauer, Head of Plant Group West, was represented by Rüdiger Matheis (center), Head of Production and Technology responsible for all plants.

‘We are delighted that we were able to achieve the target of zero accidents at four of our plants in 2023. Our thanks and great appreciation go to the employees on site for their successful commitment and contribution to occupational safety,’ said Rüdiger Matheis, recognizing the good result.

Of the VDZ member companies, a total of eleven integrated cement plants and nine grinding plants remained accident-free in 2023, achieving an accident frequency rate of 0.0. For the second time, the group of indirect employees was also included in the assessment. These are employees of external companies who carry out contractual work on the plant premises.

Overall, the number of accidents in VDZ member companies has risen slightly compared to 2022. The clear improvement in the performance of Dyckerhoff shows that the high prioritization of occupational safety is paying off.

Photos: VDZ/Julia Vogel